The Origins of Sports

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The Origins of Sports

Written by Tom Velčovský, Štěpánka Sekaninová
Illustrated by Matej Ilčík
Ages 6-9

Book parameters:
Size 9.5 in × 12.5 in | 40 pages | hardcover | 9788000067964 | $17.95 | Pub date May 30, 2023 | Lexile Level: IG930L

All parents support their children in doing sports. Kids are often growing up surrounded by different kinds of sport activities. Let it be active or passive. It doesn't matter if you (and your kids) are skiing down the hill or you are just watching sport on TV, you can love the sport anyway. And this apllies also for: athletics, skating, ice hockey, golf, football, tennis, basketball, swimming, and baseball. Read about these ten popular sports and explore how they developed during the centuries.

Little sport lovers: A must-have book for young sports fans. Kids interested in sport will be keen to read about their favorite sport.
Sports 101: When, why, how. History, rules, sport stars and equipment of individual popular sports.
Unique: Fully illustrated sports guide. A genuinely “sports illustrated” book, impossible to find on the market until today.
Content: Ten most popular sports – individual as well as collective ones, including baseball, basketball, football, tennis etc.


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